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Five Dollar Club

A charitable giving program for Interlake-Eastern RHA employees, the Five Dollar Club sees employees who voluntarily register with the program donate $5 every payday to Interlake Eastern Health Foundation. Every year, staff submit potential donation opportunities. This listing is compiled and provided to all Five Dollar Club staff members to provide their vote in determining where to invest funds generated.

The club is based on the premises that:

  1. Corporate giving is a worthwhile and valuable undertaking.
  2. As one of the largest employers in the Interlake-Eastern region, the Regional Health Authority (RHA) has an opportunity to demonstrate leadership in the area of corporate giving by supporting and enhancing regional health projects and initiatives that are consistent with its Vision, Mission and Values.
  3. Staff participation in any activities, initiatives or undertakings associated with the Five Dollar Club are entirely voluntary and do not entail any special privilege or consideration.

How to get involved

Any Interlake-Eastern RHA staff members interested in participating in the Five Dollar Club should speak with Interlake-Eastern RHA’s payroll team by emailing them at [email protected].

To learn more about how $5 Club members have supported our communities, please check out our reports:

2023 Report

2024 Report (to be added shortly)

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