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Healthy Together Now

2024-2025 Regional Funding Available

Healthy Together Now (HTN) is a community-led grassroots program to help prevent chronic diseases in Manitoba. The program is coordinated by the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority and supported by the Province of Manitoba, Mental Health, Wellness and Recovery/Health Promotion and Wellness Branch. HTN focuses on prevention activities for all ages and strives to engage the highest needs population, individuals, families and communities. Awarded funds are to be used within a year.

Community organizations can apply for funding for prevention activities in the areas of:

  • Mental Well-Being
  • Healthy Eating
  • Tobacco Prevention and Reduction
  • Physical Activity

There are limited funds available. Projects that address the Social Determinants of Health and a Health Equity Approach will receive priority for funding. The Social Determinants of Health describe the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age — such as housing, food, income, natural and built environments, social safety net and social inclusion . 

What is Health Equity?

By focusing on priority populations, it is recognized that achieving health equity will improve the health of all Manitobans. Some populations are more likely to experience poor health outcomes and shorter life expectancy. These populations include Indigenous peoples, newcomers and refugees, visible minorities, people living in poverty, persons with disabilities and people experiencing long-term unemployment, homelessness or other types of economic and social marginalization.  

Who Can Apply?

  • Organizations or groups that have a structure to support clear financial accountability (for example, two or three signatures required for cheques, board structure in place including a treasurer or bookkeeper, bank account in the organization’s name).
  • Individuals will be partnered with community groups or organizations that support clear financial accountability.

The Process

There will be a regional Healthy Together Now intake in the Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority in the fall of 2024. More detailed information coming mid-August 2024. Please call your IERHA Healthy Together now contact (list below) for more details.

Please do not fill out the online application until you have discussed your project with your Healthy Together Now contact.

Review the Funding Guidelines to make sure your idea meets the funding criteria.

IERHA Healthy Together Now Contact List

Arborg – Jan Keryluk, [email protected], 204-642-1603

Ashern – Andrea Dell, [email protected], 204-378-2460 ext. 236

Beausejour – Bonnie Stefansson, [email protected], 204-268-7740

East Side Indigenous Communities – Michelle Berthelette, [email protected], 204-367-6502

Eriksdale & Lundar – Caroline Le Clair, [email protected], 204-467-4407

Fisher Branch – Andrea Dell, [email protected], 204-378-2460 ext. 236

Gimli – Jan Keryluk, [email protected], 204-642-1603

Lac du Bonnet & Pinawa – Caroline McIntosh, [email protected], 204-345-1220

Interlake-Eastern Northern Remote Communities – Michelle Berthelette, [email protected], 204-367-5402

Oakbank (RM of Springfield, Dugald, Anola) – Caroline McIntosh, [email protected], 204-345-1220

Pine Falls – Michelle Berthelette, [email protected], 204-367-5402

Riverton, Matheson Island, & Pine Dock – Andrea Dell, [email protected], 204-378-2460 ext. 236

Selkirk – Bonnie Peloski, [email protected], 204-785-7544

St. Laurent – Caroline Le Clair, [email protected], 204-467-4407

Stonewall – Caroline Le Clair, [email protected], 204-467-4407

Teulon – Caroline Le Clair, [email protected], 204-467-4407

West First Nation Communities – Bonnie Peloski, [email protected], 204-785-7544

Whitemouth & Reynolds – Marilyn Sitar, [email protected], 204-348-7191 ext. 4240

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